Sunday 12 October 2008


If you've got a 4WD, there's a sandy snicket between Sharjah and Dubai that lets you miss all that nasty, snarled up traffic in the mornings; the roadworks, the congestion, the Salik gates and all that other 'orrible commute to work unpleasantness that are part of the miserable day for thousands of people.

I've been waiting to snap one of these boys for a while, but I got 'im this morning.

It's bad isn't it, when even the 'solution' has to avoid the 'problem'?

(Note for puzzled non-UAE residents: the logo on the car belongs to Dubai's traffic regulator, the RTA...)


  1. Glorious!!!

    Have you sent to this to the abominable Mr. Mattar? No doubt he'd spin it. The RTA engineer was surely "surveying" new routes.

  2. Brilliant! This has to be the oxymoron of the year.
    Good job!

  3. I thought so many people drove 4 wheel drives here so they could park on the sidewalk.

  4. alexander, I wouldn't jump to conclusions! It could just be that the guy stuck an RTA logo onto the car coz he's a fan?

    Gosh...why do you guys make fun of the RTA!

  5. Love it!
    Have lost count of the number of times these guys have cut me up on the airport road...


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