Thursday 12 February 2009

Last Post

The Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has, as many of you know, taken the decision to block the sand between the Western areas of Sharjah and Dubai. I have covered this pretty extensively and am aware I'm in danger of boring you. But indulge me one last time.

I suspect this is, finally, the last post about the snicket. The RTA has now taken to stationing a number of four wheel drives (I think three) along the border, calling down a JCB by radio to plug any new gap being driven in the extensive Hadrianesque earthwork and concrete block barrier that they have put up to divide the open sand stretch between the two Emirates. It's too much even for the little band of lunatics willing to negotiate the remaining, amazingly dangerous, crossing over a high dune.

I banged through a gap in the fortifications today, beeping merrily and waving at the frustrated-looking bunch from the RTA calling up their yellow monstrosity. I suspect for the last time.

It's nice they've got so much resource to devote to stopping a few intrepid 4WDs from making the crossing (which is, incidentally, impassable to 2WD traffic and actually requires a modicum of desert driving skill to negotiate) between the two Emirates.

The shortcut did not cause high levels of traffic on the roads Dubai-side, and at no time resulted in any jams or traffic congestion. It did not cause any serious traffic incidents to my knowledge or contribute to a rise in accidents or fatalities. It didn't promote speeding, bad behaviour or reckless driving.

No journalist has picked up the 'phone to the RTA and asked them why they have built a wall between the two Emirates. And so we will likely never know.

Over and out.

PS: anyone who wants the backstory can just use the search box and look for 'snicket'.


  1. Hadrianesque is the keyword, McNabb. They are just trying to keep the Scots out of Dubai!

  2. Maybe the keys are in the big yellow monster after hours .........

  3. lol Nick, a bitch you are! :)

    Mr McNabb, we (the Sharjawis) feel your frustration. It comes back to the old ways 'cause DXB believes, SHJ's taking away prospective tenants. I particularly don't blame DXB for doing what they feel is correct, I see their POV. I just wish SHJ worked more with DXB than just living of it...

    I think the situation shall get better, once SHJ's done with highway expansions.

    Hang in there.


  4. i was thinking they want jurisdiction or something....

  5. Just like water does, the 4WDs will soon find another gap and a new road will take shape!!!

    Law of physics...

  6. I met a dubai police officer there (yes, he lives in Sharjah and was also taking the shortcut) a few weeks ago. I asked him whether he knew why it's being blocked off. He was told that apparently there are underground cables that are being damaged by the 4x4s driving across that sandy stretch... sounded like he didn't really believe it either. so, next time the internet is off all over the country, I guess they'll blame the McNabbs ;-) LOL!


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