Tuesday 3 February 2009

Snicket Watch - The Awful Truth

I had occasion to work from home this morning and so traversed the snicket at mid-day, relatively late for a meeting. But out of the corner of my eye, I caught the glint of a JCB's massive arm, raised above a section lower down the snicket before it plunged into the sand like a murderer's knife.

I hared over the soft, sandy hillocks to see, finally, who this gang of unprincipled bashi-bazouks were - the blockheads who are fighting with us all, and losing, as we try to make our daily way back and forth to work over a small sandy shortcut.

Who could it be? Who would be arrogant enough to think they could block an entire desert? Who would be daft enough to waste the enormous manpower and resources it takes to keep blocking the snicket for months on end? Who would be so implacable? Who would want to deny a few intrepid 4WD owners their little bit of relief from the hustle and jostle of the morning queues?

I stopped and asked them who they were. And they told me.

But you'll have to go to the comments for the terrible truth...


  1. It's only the bloody RTA!!!


    BWAAA HAA HAA!!!!!

  2. Wot? Dubai RTA are operating within the emirate of Sharjah?

    If so, Words will be Said, Questions Asked, and Diplomatic Relations Severed, along with Deportation of Ambassadors and Imposition of Sanctions.

  3. I think you are maligning the RTA. No organisation can be as dysfunctional as this mob for so long, unless they are actually doing it on purpose. In RTA offices around Dubai, RTA operatives must roll about in a perpetual state of laughter and merriment as they reek havoc on us dumb motoring commuters. We're merely the tormented white mice in some awful live animal experiment. There is too much evidence; Salik, evil exit modification on SZR into Emirates Hills, Six lanes of traffic fed into three lane roundabouts, The Marina Fiasco, Salik again because it deserves more than one mention, sign posting - you have just gone past the last exit for 666 km to where you wanted to go, The renaming of roads from something we understood to something no one can recognise

    ..but then, you are probably right.

  4. GG: It's BANG on the border. Not an inch the wrong way. But it's the damn RTA alright.

    Amazing that their OWN STAFF use the snicket that they're trying to block, though, no?

    Tomorrow I think I shall post number plates. Revenge is sweet and mine...

  5. You may have won the battle, but can you win the war? Or will the RTA call a ceasefire as the current crunch disarms them?

  6. haha! Kudos to you Alex, for seeing it through humour and smiles. I hope you win the battle.

  7. Well, tonight was a little dodgy, but through again. The main snicket was jammed with stuck cars so I had to go on a deep dune stretch. It's certainly a more fun way to get to work.

    And still we prevail! Yahooo!

  8. A Series of Unfortunate Events.

    How appropriate that the author of that series is also allegedly named "Snicket".

  9. HAve you thought that the RTA vehicle you've seen might be a mole (fnarr fnarr)? He could be relaying the movements of you Snicket-runners to the JCB operators. Maybe he needs to be nobbled?

  10. It is indeed a curious thing that when Sharjah builds something on the border, the neighbour dictates that it should be at least 10m inside Sharjah. Yet the same rule apparently doesn't apply to Dubai.

    I think the term snicketeer should be used as often as possible. D'you think we can get it into the OED?

  11. Snicketeer. I dolike that!!! :)


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