Tuesday 23 November 2010

Old Skool

You might think this is a screenshot from Way Back Machine, but, delightfully, it's not. It's the honest to goodness website of a UAE company - the Al Taawun Shopping Mall. The site was the toast of Twitter yesterday after a gleeful @derrickpereira unearthed it and shared. You can actually go there and explore the old skool delights of this 1990s style website, it's linked here. Gasp at the use of blink, ooh at the tables and aahh at the floating text and GIFs.

When you've finished, you can always pop over here and immerse yourself in the joys of the King Fahd International Airport, another example of good old fashioned HTML from way back when.

Any other examples of brilliant HTML from the region gratefully received...


  1. Lebanon's electricity company: www.edl.gov.lb

    It gives me the shivers every time I look at it.

  2. Yes, the region seriously needs to wake up. Websites in the UAE are quite pathetic. Trying to pay for anything on credit card, or even transfer money becomes more difficult than driving to Jebel Ali and doing it in person. In summer.

    It's interesting though that Internet speeds are faster than I'm Australia. It reminds me of the philosophy regarding roads; Let's build them so we can drive really fast, and we'll learn how to drive later...

  3. Hey Alexander, I found this site here: It has a very 'home-made' feel about it. Or maybe it is so 'hip' that it went right over my head.

    Here is the link:

  4. Mind-boggling. Loved the bit about the vivacious sprite.

  5. The real nick is still alive.



    Syrian railways: it gives you a train whistle whenever you click on a link. So whenever I feel homesick for noise pollution, I know where to go.

  6. Hahaha! I just knew you'd blog about this... will try and find some more gems.

  7. URS - Absolutely kicking site - I understand more now about Lebanon's electricity supply than I ever did before! >;0)

    Nick. It's a mobile site. Stop being naughty.

    Jazz - that addy not working for me!

  8. oh, sorry about that, here's the correct link:


  9. Not from the region, but so fantastic that I have to share.

    A friend was looking for news on the Haiti earthquake relief efforts, and she found this little beauty. ;.)

  10. A late response to this post but I couldn't resist letting you know about this disaster: http://www.dubaidesigncentre.ae/main.html
    How to make a website that looks ultra-modern yet manages to confuse and irritate and contain more stupid "buzz words" than an Advertising Executive's Away-day Jamboree.
    There's no way of finding any useful information just a series of stupid buttons leading to marketing catchphrases.
    Obviously created by some moron with no idea of "user friendly" design.


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