Thursday 13 January 2011

GeekFest 2011 - The Geek Rides Out

The first GeekFest Dubai of the new year will tantalise your tastebuds and satisfy your senses on the 20th January 2011 – as usual, taking place at The Shelter in Al Quoz.

We’ve got some pretty special GeekTalks lined up as well as some other bits and bobs. One thing we’ll be getting up to is the source of considerable excitement and was born out of our efforts last time around to help little Ola Abu Jarmous.

I’m delighted to be able to tell you that the first GeekFest Ramallah is to take place at startup nurturing space place Bazinga! on the 16th February. I’m hoping (passport renewal notwithstanding) to be there, which is another adventure entirely. One thing we’ll be doing on the 20th is recording your messages from GeekFest Dubai to Ramallah.

Following on from the Palestine theme, the first GeekFest Dubai Geektalk on the 20th will be given by Steve Sosebee, the founder and CEO of the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund and we’re hoping to have a really useful debate about social activism and social media, especially following the success of Ola’s life-saving appeal.

He’ll be followed by Emirati animator and composer Mohammad Fikree, who’s going to be giving a sneak preview of his new (and literally, just finished) animated short ‘The Girl & It’. Mohammad’s animation work is as delightful as the soundtracks he creates are innovative – what’s more, they’re catchy as hell!

We’re going to be welcoming Eros Group, the uber-retailers of electrical trickery and gadgetry, who will be holding a TechnoCase of superlative things that go tinkle, blip and boink. You can follow them on Twitter at @erosgroup or find them on Facebook at

As before, back by popular demand in fact, nosh will be provided by The Lime Tree Café.

GeekFest2011 takes place at The Shelter in Al Quoz from 7.30pm on Thursday the 20th January 2011. There is no registration, no formality, no requirement of you other than to turn up and even that's optional. Other GeekFests have taken place in Cairo, Alexandria, Amman, Beirut and Damascus and there's talk of GeekFests to come in Doha and Abu Dhabi.

More details will undoubtedly emerge next week!


  1. Great lineup, as usual! Looking forward to the event! :-)

  2. Great! Long time blog reader, first time commenter and a great fan of your rants (especially the ones on HSBC).

    Have missed all my past GeekFest for one reason or the other. Will definitely make it to this one. Insha Allah (I mean it :)

    This is my first geekfest of any kind. Is it so informal that I could just walk up to you and say "hi" without awkward silence following it? Infact how do I introduce myself in the scene and not come across as awkward stalker? Am I overthinking this already?

  3. Suhail, I suspect you are, indeed, overthinking it! Everyone's very chilled and friendly, you'll find yourself feeling at home in no time! :)

  4. Thanks for putting me at ease. See you there.


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