Sunday 19 June 2011

GeekFest Dubai? Pat Yourselves on the Back!

If you haven't seen this already, do please watch it. Readers of this blog (both of you) and attendees to GeekFest will likely remember the name Ola Abu Jarmous. Ola, a little Palestinian girl with a life-threatening brain tumour was sent to Italy for the complex and delicate procedure that was her only hope of survival. The operation and travel costs exceeded $18,000 and the Palestine Children's Relief Fund had run of money. Thanks to Sara Refai's Ussa Nabulsiyeh blog, word got out and it became something of a GeekFest cause - people donated to the PCRF website (some people didn't want to use PayPal for an Arab cause and donated through friends), we raised funds by auctioning one of Gerald Donovan's mad GigaPixel prints and we emptied the GeekFest coffers (a not for profit event, GeekFest Dubai is cashflow positive!) to help Ola.

Sara's own GeekTalk, filmed from Nablus, is linked here.

Enough. Just watch the video below of veteran GeekTalker Steve Sosebee, head of the PCRF, talking at TEDx Ramallah. Sara was a big fat teary mess, apparently! :)

It's great that we all came together to do something small, right and wonderful. Don't forget, GeekaFest Dubai (one for the girls) is happening at the NEW Shelter on the 14th July 2011.

PS: Been trying to post this all day. The cloud has not been well at all.

PPS: And what of GeekFest Beirut? Damn but it was fine. Post tomorrow...

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