So here’s the list of computers I've used in order of (remembered) ownership/use for work. Home is another thing entirely!
- CBM 96
- Tandy Model III
- Tandy Model IV
- Tandy IVP (The 22lb ‘luggable’)
- Apple II
- Apple IIE
- Apple IIC
- Tandy M100
- Tandy M1000 w/10mb external HDD (The 'look at me even a little bit wrong and I head crash' model)
- Tandy M2000
- Apricot F1
- Olivetti M10
- THEN an Olivetti M24, Gianni Catalfanewbie!
- Toshiba T1600
- Compaq 386
- Compaq Presario
- Digital Pentium
- Fujitsu Laptop
- IBM T43 (lovely)
- Lenovo T61 (jury’s still out)
I remember laughing at the Lisa and furious arguments at the BASUG Apple user group about the evil 'closed top' Mac, 8” disk drives and the GEM GUI, proofing
I think I’d better stop there, actually before the Geek Police come for me…
OK, so it's "Remembrance Alley" here ?
Here's another story.
As a junior systems engineer at IBM, the only computer I had seen during the 5 months induction course were true computers: Series /370 behemoths with millions of switches and generally speaking the whole blinkelights treatment.
Anyway, once I was hired, in perfect IBM style, I was introduced to my first client as a true DB/DC expert for a project; so I am trying to look like the real expert I am, and during the lunch break I loiter in the cold room and chatting with the operator I say: "...and the CPU, I suppose it's in the other room, right ?"
The guy looks at me, as if trying to figure out whether I am testing him and says with a subdued voice: "No sir, you're sitting on it, sir".
How the hell was I supposed to know that in the transition from the S/370 to the 43xx the lights and switches were all gone?
Experts, experts !
you do remember every computer you used! wow!
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