I'm not asking any deep philosophical question or setting out to give you a Paulo Coelho answer to the riddles and mysteries of life. I was just wondering how you actually, you know, got here.
SiteMeter, which is a handy little doodad that does all sorts of analysis on visitors to one's blog, shows a remarkable diversity of paths that lead to this silly little blog. Quite a few people come via the UAE Community Blog, appearing to use that Venerable UberBlog as a 'jumpsite'. Another good dash of visitors wander in from Twitter for one reason or another - some impelled, no doubt, by the odd pimping tweet broadcast by yours truly.
A good number come via search and all sorts of strange searches lead people, presumably often bitterly disappointed to find that what you see is most certainly not what you get, here. I am particularly proud that all sorts of permutations of Subway, Aquafina, Pringles and Kelloggs are leading people to the posts on this blog that explore the egregious side of all four. That people searching Google for "subway fake wheat bread" get this post on their first page of search results is a delight to me. I see quite a few people, one way and another, who are looking for various sorts of fakery. A rod for my own back, that one!
Some appear to repeat searches they've made before - at least I can only hope this is the case with the recurring incidence of 'Russian Girl Face Slash' I get landing here. I'm also very glad I regularly disappoint the people searching for various permutations centred around Russian girls and nocturnal activities. I occasionally post some of the stranger searches I get, such as this here post.
Some people seem to stumble by. Some use their RSS readers, although by no means as many as I'd have thought. A few people wander in from other blogs who have either linked to one of my intemperate rants or kindly put me on a blogroll. Quite a lot come up as 'unknown', so I don't know where they came from.
So here's my question today. Where did you come from? Drop a quickie comment if you wouldn't mind.
Oh - and thanks. It's nice to see you!
RSS subscriber, and if I remember correctly I first found you through one of your book posts - I think one of the authonomy ones.
RSS subscriber. Got hooked after someone at work forwarded me one of your rants. Can't remember which one though.
As far as I can recall, I originally found your blog via Keef Williams as a result of a discussion the two of you were engaged in on matters gastronomic.
This was witty stuff and moved me to subscribe via Google Reader.
Over time I realized we shared some things in common... a desire to write... skepticism with regard to Authonomy... a professional involvement in the media.
Also since, like KeefieBoy, I am no longer based in the Emirates, I find it helpful to have your perspective on developments in that fascinating/infuriating territory!
RSS, and I agree with your surprise at how few subscribe this way!
I can't remember how I initially got here. Maybe UAE community? Or from another Dubai blog? But I come back through my RSS feed.
RSS subscriber too (via Netvibes). Probably got here searching for "UAE blog" when I first moved out.
Through Keefie, Simon or UAE Community Blog - can't remember which.
Your on my Favorites list!
Originally through Fat Expat I think - found Fat Expat cos I was looking for a recipe and now RSS feed of course, your pimp tweets for an early peek before I get to my RSS feeds...
UAEcommunity blog initially...and now you're on my blogroll...
Came here from another Dubai blog and now have your RSS-feed in my Google Reader.
Definitely one of my favorite Dubai (UAE?) blogs, very well-written and obviously intelligent.
So the 'thank you' is entirely on my side: thanks for taking the time, much appreciated!
for me it was the posts about Authonomy.
Thanks for the nice comments, peoples, but I just wanted to know where you came from to get here today, ie: did you use a reader, a jumpsite, Google it to get here etc.
Although it's fascinating to find out how people found out about it!
Bookmarked, and check in regularly!
via the link on Grumpy Goat's blog, I visit often via that route as I'm too lazy to bookmark all of the blogs I look at :)
Can't remember. Haven't I always been here?
In that case, the UAECB.
I've just read this post. I came to check out your blog from listening to you on Dubai Eye one morning. You seemed to have interesting things to say beyond 5 minutes on the radio and have been checking in occasionally ever since.
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